Trond Geitung-Larsen
Trond Geitung-Larsen has extensive experience from the banking and finance sector, primarily within debt recovery and compliance.
Trond has been appointed as a trustee/estate administrator for Stavanger District Court. He principally works with bankruptcy/restructuring, as well as corporate law and employment law.
Work Experience
- 2019 - Partner, Ryger Advokatfirma AS
- 2017 - 2019Senior Associate, Ryger Advokatfirma AS
- 2012 - 2017Associate, Ryger Advokatfirma AS
- 2009 - 2012Acta Kapitalforvaltning, legal & compliance
- 2003 - 2009Senior executive officer/Team leader, GE Money Bank legal & compliance
- 2001 - 2003Tax lawyer, Rogaland skattefutkontor
- 2001Cand. jur., University of Bergen, Norway
- Member of Den Norske Advokatforening
- Norwegian
- English